Saturday, February 27, 2010

Why Are We Saved By Faith

Why is faith selected as the channel of salvation? No doubt this inquiry is often made. "By grace are ye saved through faith" (Ephesians 2:8) is assuredly the doctrine of Holy Scripture and the ordinace of God, but why is it so? Why is faith selected rather than hope or love or patience?

It becomes us to be modest in answering such a question. God's way are not always to be understood; nor are we allowed to presumptuously question them. Humbly we would reply that, as far as we can tell, faith has been selected as the channel of grace because faith is naturally adapted to be used as the receiver. Suppose that I am to give a poor man some money. I put into his hand. Why? Well, it would hardly be fitting to put it into his ear or lay it on his foot. The hand seems made on purpose to be a receiver. It is the hand of the man, and there is fitness in receiving grace by its means.

Faith is again selected because it gives all the glory to God. It is of faith that it might be by grace, and it is of grace that there might be no boasting, for God cannot endure pride. Paul says, "Not of work, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:9) Now, faith exclude all boasting. The hand which receives charity does not say, "I am to be thanked for accepting the gift."

Years ago a boat was upset above Niagra Falls. Two men were being carried down the current when persons on the shore managed to float a rope out to them. Both seized it. One of them held onto it and was safely drawn to the bank. But the other, seeing a great log come floating by, unwisely let go of the rope and clung to the log for it was bigger and apparently better to cling to. The log with the man on it went right over the vast abyss because nothing connected the log and the shore. The size of the log was of no benefit to him who grasped it, it needed connection to the shore to produce safety.

So God selects faith as the channel of salvation because it is a sure method linking man with God. When man confides in God, there is a point of Union between them, and that union guarantees blessing. Faith saves us because it makes us cling to God and therefore connects us to Him.

Certainly faith does for us what nothing else can do. It gives us joy and peace and causes us to enter into rest. A silly servant who is told to open a door, puts his shoulder against it and pushes with all his might to no avail. Another came with a key and easily unlock it. Will you not use that key? The Lord commands you to believe in His dear Son. Therefore you may do so, and in doing so you will live. Is this not the promise of the Gospel, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved" ? (Mark 16:16)

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