Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Redeemer Liveth

I have continually spoken to you concerning Christ crucified who is the great hope of the guilty. But we will be wise to remember that our Lord has risen from the dead and lives eternally.

We are not asked to trust in a dead Jesus but in one who, though He died for our sins, has risen again for our justification. You may go to Jesus at once as to a living present friend. He is not a mere memory but a continually existent Person who will hear your prayers and answer them.

The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with His right hand to be Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins (Acts 5:30-31)

The glory which surrounds the ascended Lord should breathe hope into every believer's breast. Jesus is no ordinary Person. He is "a Savior and a great one".

It is a blessing for us that as sin lives and the flesh lives and the devil lives, so Jesus lives. It is also a blessing that whatever strength these may have to ruin us, Jesus has still greater power to save us.

So come and commit your cause and your case to those once pierced hands which are now glorified with power and honour. No case which was left with this great Advocate ever failed.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Short Quotes

We trust in Jesus for what we cannot do ourselves. If it were in our own power, why would we need to look to Him? It is ours to believe, it is the Lord's to perform.

He who could go so far as to die on the cross for us can give us all things necessary for our eternal safety.

It is certain that no man who believes in Jesus will ever find that the Holy Spirit refuses to work in him. In fact, his believing is the proof that the Spirit is already at work in his heart.

God works in providence, but men do not, therefore, sit still.

If you will not believe till you can understand all mysteries, you will never be saved at all. No man would refuse to enter a lifeboat because he did not know the specific gravity of bodies. Neither would a starving man decline to eat until he understood the whole process of nutrition.

If you allow self-invented difficulties to keep you from accepting pardon through your Lord and Saviour, you will perish in condemnation which will be richly deserved.

Do not commit spiritual suicide through passion for discussing metaphysical subtleties. Yes, you will need to wikipedia that.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Increase of Faith

How can we increase our faith? This is a very earnest question to many. They say they want to believe but cannot. A great deal of nonsense is said about this subject. Let us be strictly practical in our dealing with it. Common sense is as much needed in Christianity as anywhere else. "What am I to do in order to believe?" One who asked the best way to do a certain simple act replied that the best way to do it was to do it at once. We waste time in discussing methods when the action is simple. The shortest way to believe is to believe. If the Holy Spirit makes you candid, you will believe as soon as the truth is set before you. You will believe because it is true. The Gospel command is clear, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31)

I pity, I pity indeed the churches in Malaysia for they lack a preacher that could make things a little bit simpler for stupid people like me to learn and believe. Whenever we talk about the matters of faith, it is always lengthy and complicated with all sorts of formula and methods and do's and don't's. I remember once, when I was in my early teenagehood, I broke up and cried in a church camp and I said to the Lord "Father I don't know how to believe, I don't know the lengthy formulas, I don't know the right method to have faith in you, I just know that you are my Father and you love me...".

Of course, that was when I was younger and obviously less wiser. Today, you quote a wrong scripture in front of me, you will not be spared. I've said it once I'll say it again, even the world in all it's sinfulness fail to come close in challenging my great talent that is to "talk sh*t",what makes you all half past six christians think that you have a chance in challenging me. Well, having said that, obviously there are still some issues in me that needed repentance. But we'll save that for the future. Today I want to talk about the increase of faith. For those of you Christian that cannot take jokes, don't read my blog, go masturbate instead.

But still, if you have difficulty (in believing and having faith), take it before God in prayer. Tell God the Father exactly what it is that puzzles you, and beg Him by His Holy Spirit to solve the question. We're human, sometimes we have doubts when we faces challenges in life. It is not easy, it is many times difficult for me too. But just because my problems are big doesn't mean that God is defeated. The Lord is willing to make Himself known, but do you wish to know more of Him? Or would you prefer waiting for someday and for some angels to drop off a million dollar by your bedside and everything would be good? Many people have already have a million dollar, but not all of them are happy and not all of them saved.

Furthermore, if faith seems difficult, it is possible that God the Holy Spirit will enable you to believe if you listen often and well to what you are commanded to believe. We believe many things because we have heard them so often. Do you not find in everday life if you hear a thing fifty times a day you come to believe it? Some men have come to believe very unlikely statements by this process. Therefore, I can easily understands why the Holy Spirit blesses this method of hearing the truth and uses it to work faith concerning what is to believed. It is written, "Faith cometh by hearing" (Romans 10:17) Therefore, hear often. Do not be distracted hearing or reading what is designed to stagger you.

If that should seem to be poor advice, I would add next, consider the testimony of others. The Samaritans believed because of what the woman told them concerning Jesus. Many of our beliefs arise out of the testimony of others. I believe that I will die. I have never died, but a great number of people had. Therefore I believe that I will also die. The experience of many convinces me of that fact.

Listen then to those who tell you how they were saved, how they were pardoned, how they were changed in character. How they are blessed. If you will look into the matter, you'll find someone just like yourself has been saved. If you have been a theif, you will find a thief rejoiced to wash away his sin in the fountain of Christ's blood. If you have been unchaste (most of you wouldn't know the meaning of this word, in simple language, if you are fu*ked up), you will find men and women who have fallen in that way have been cleansed and changed.

Some of you great sinners of our time have trouble believing in Jesus because of the great guilt of which you have inflicted upon yourself. This is absolutely an understandable and exusable situation. Because not many people are as holy as me ahh bullshit la But gentlemen, please bear in mind that Christ has not come for righteouss people, He has come to make sinners righteouss. So there is absolutely hope for you pathetic sinners! And of course that includes me! You did not come to Jesus's presence uninvited. He invited you to Him. You are not one of the losers who crashed into a party without an invitation. No, you are invited and you have the authority. Because Jesus said "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28)

Think about who Jesus is and what He has done. This is about His goodness, this is about His gift that is given so freely to you. Salvation is gratis. Blessings from God is gratis. It is free for you but it came with a price. A price that Jesus had paid for with His blood. So waste no more time in coming to Him, waste no more time in believing in Him and submiting your worries to Him. He is the one that holds the solution to our challenges. But of course, with all that I am and all that I've said, there will still be those who refuse to believe. Self-pride prevents one from believing. He who thinks that he himself is too great refuse to listen. It's okay, I don't sweat for them, in due time we'll see. And that's for today.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Can Do Nothing!

Stop wondering, there is nothing there

Many times as Christian we feel that we have to do something in order to make us different from the world. Perhaps we wanted to be a little bit "holier" than others just to show that we are more "special". Yet in many attempts, we have failed more than we actually succeed. The thought of doing so is right, I don't doubt that people who are trying to be a better person is doing a good thing. But the way they wanted to achieve this "holier than thou status" is very wrong. We had a feeling of doing something, yet there is so little strength in us and so little that we can do.

The work of the Lord is perfect. It begins where we are and asks nothing of us for its completion. When the good Samaritan saw the traveler lying wounded and half dead, he did not tell him to rise and come to him, ride the donkey and go to the inn to heal. No, he "came where he was" (Luke 10:33) and helped him.

If you had earlier read my accounts we have seen that God justifies the ungodly and that He justifies them through faith in the precious blood of Jesus. We now have to see the condition these ungodly ones are in when Jesus work on their salvation. Many people, even Christians are not only troubled about their sin but about their moral weakness. They have no strength with which to escape from the mire which they have fallen, nor to keep out of it in the days to come. They not only lament over what they have done, but over what they cannot do. They feel powerless, helpless and spiritually lifeless. "Christian" is just a DOG TAG they wear.

"When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly" (Romans 5:6) The one thing that the poor strengthless sinner has to fix his mind on is the divine assurance that "in due time Christ died for the ungodly". Believe this and all inability will disappear. You need not, therefore, despair. That which is necessary to salvation is not continuous thought and toil and effort but a simple reliance upon Jesus.

Maybe you have heard these words 100 times, and yet you have never before perceived their meaning. Jesus did not die for our righteousness, but He died for our sins. He did not come to save us because we were worth saving, but because we were utterly worthless, ruined and undone. He did not come to earth out reasons that was in us, but solely and only because of reasons which He took from the depths of His own love. SO THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO!

Repentance will not make you see Christ, but to see Christ will give you repentance. You may not make a Christ out of your repentance, but you must look for repentance in Christ. The Holy Spirit, by turning us to Christ, turns us from sin. Look away then from your own repenting, your own sins, to the Lord Jesus. Do not focus on your sickness for it does not help, focus on the remedy.

Which is why I never focus on sin, by all means I don't condone sin. I strongly condemn them. I don't even enjoy people smoking in front of me. Although smoking is more of a bad habit then actual sinning. I would tell my peers and my friends that I don't want them to smoke in front of me when we're hanging out. They are embarrassing me and I don't like to inhale their smoke. The very VIRTUE (not so much) of me is that I never see anyone higher than myself. It doesn't matter how rich or poor or how many business degrees you have. None is righteous. There is nothing in us that is worthy of thought. But there is everything in Christ.

Nevertheless there is a possibility that you have been trying to believe too much. Do not aim at great things. Be satisfied to have faith that can hold in its hand this one truth. "While we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly." If you will trust your soul to Jesus who died for the ungodly, even though you cannot believe all things or move mountains or do any other wonderful works, yet you are saved. But of course, there are teachings concerning "the increase of faith" but that I would share next week.

Now, if I may I would only pray that the Holy Spirit would help us to come thus far by faith in the Lord Jesus, and it will be well!